Under our Resources tab, you will find:
Staff Resources: Center and Program Operator staff can find policies, forms, regional directory, and the GADJ resources.
Agendas: Board Agendas will be added here at least at one week prior to each meeting for the general public to review.
Regional Calendar of Events: Various events happening at our NCWorks Career Centers or virtually through our Career Centers.
Labor Market Information: Each month, we will update the regional labor market information; this includes unemployment rates and top industries hiring. Information is gathered and released by NC LEAD.
Partner Connections: A running list of the various partners we collaborate with to provide services to our customers.
Regional Collaborative Plan: The Regional Collaborative Strategic Plan is an implementation plan for the Region Q Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
Eligible Training Providers: If you are an approved training provider or would like to become a provider, you will find detailed information on the process.