These policies apply to all program areas (Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth).  Individual forms referenced in policies can be found on the “forms” page: Technical Assistance Guides that supplement policies and provide additional guidance and clarification can be found here:

If there is a question or additional clarification is needed, please contact Board staff.

2021-01 Change 2 Lower Living Standard Income Chart    Applies to Adult and Youth only

2021-04 NCWorks Career Center Code of Conduct

2021-05 Change 1 Customer Complaint, Appeal and Resolution Policy

2021-08.Change 1 On-the-Job Training

2021-09 Change 5 Supportive Services Policy

2021-10.Change 1 ITA

2021-11.Change 1 Records and Retention

2021-12 Change 1 Self Attestation

2021-13 Sexual Harassment Policy

2021-14 Religious Accommodations

2021-15 Serving Disabled Individuals

2021-16 Higher Degree

2021-17 Selective Service Registration

2021-18 NCWorks Service Activity Codes, Case Notes and Exit Dates

2021-19.Change 1 Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

2021-20 WIOA EO Complaint

2021-21 WIOA Priority of Service

2022-22 Change 1 Program Exit, Follow-up and Re-enrollment

2021-23 Social Media Procedures and Policy

2021-26 Contractor Close Out

Close Out Inventory Spreadsheet

2021-27 Change 1 Invoice Processing and Reimbursement

2021-28 Pseudo Social Security Numbers

Required Social Security Number Notification Form

2021-29 Change 1 Incumbent Worker Grants     Please refer all inquires to Board Staff

2021-30 Finish Line Grant ** rescinded due to program end

2021-31 Procurement and Contracting

2021-32 Financial Management Policy

2021-33 Change 2 Eligible Training Provider and Customer Choice

2021-34 Residency Requirements

2021-35 Oversight Monitoring Policy

2021-36 WEX Policy for all WIOA participants

2021-37 Change 1 TAA Co-Enrollment

These policies only apply to the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs.  Individual forms referenced in policies can be found on the “forms” page:  Technical Assistant Guides that supplement policies and provide additional guidance and clarification can be found here:

If there is a question or additional clarification is needed, please contact Board staff.

2021-02 DW Eligibility   Applies to Dislocated Worker only

2021-07 Adult and DW Work Experience (Rescinded as of May 9, 2023)

These policies only apply to the NEXTGEN Youth program. Individual forms referenced in policies can be found on the “forms” page:  Technical Assistant Guides that supplement policies and provide additional guidance and clarification can be found here:

If there is a question or additional clarification is needed, please contact Board staff.

2021-03 Youth Requires Additional Assistance

2021-06.Change 1 Youth WEX Policy (Rescinded as of May 9, 2023)

2021-25 Change 4 Youth Incentive Policy