Career Advisors tour InterMarket Technology

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Career Advisors from the Beaufort County NCWorks Career Center recently toured InterMarket Technology (IMT).  Career Advisors were able to meet with the CEO and President, Scott Gardner, to discuss the history of IMT and the move from New Jersey to North Carolina.  Scott shared his vision as well as potential job opportunities coming in the near future.  Scott also shared information about the various divisions and the Advisors watched videos that demonstrated the products made by IMT.  Career Advisors then met with the new Production Flow Manager, Tracey Wade to discuss skills needed to work at IMT as well as immediate hiring needs.  Advisors were then provided a guided tour so they could see the jobs first-hand.  This will allow our Advisors to better inform job seekers as well as refer the most qualified candidates to IMT.  We appreciate IMT providing this opportunity for our Advisors.

If you would like to host a tour, please contact Lou Stout, Business Engagement Coordinator at or 252-974-2446.

Career Advisors learning about the clothing bins made by IMT

CEO and President, Scott Gardner provides an overview of the various products made by IMT