Job Postings from August 6

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Job Postings through NCWorks for August 6

For those that may not be aware, can be a ONE STOP job search tool.  When you search, you can select from a variety of sources.  To provide you an example, I have put the source beside each job posting.  As you can see, it pulled from quite a few sources.  No need to visit multiple sites – just one –!

Union Bank in Greenville is seeking a Continue Reading →


Job Postings from August 3

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Job Postings through NCWorks for August 3

For those that may not be aware, can be a ONE STOP job search tool.  When you search, you can select from a variety of sources.  To provide you an example, I have put the source beside each job posting.  As you can see, it pulled from quite a few sources.  No need to visit multiple sites – just one –!

C&W Services in Greenville is seeking a  Continue Reading →


Job Postings from August 1 and 2

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Job Postings through NCWorks for August 1 and 2

For those that may not be aware, can be a ONE STOP job search tool.  When you search, you can select from a variety of sources.  To provide you an example, I have put the source beside each job posting.  As you can see, it pulled from quite a few sources.  No need to visit multiple sites – just one –!

REPOST:  Penco in Hamilton is seeking several positions:   Continue Reading →


Job Postings from July 31

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Job Postings through NCWorks for July 31

For those that may not be aware, can be a ONE STOP job search tool.  When you search, you can select from a variety of sources.  To provide you an example, I have put the source beside each job posting.  As you can see, it pulled from quite a few sources.  No need to visit multiple sites – just one –!

TRAC Educational Services Group in Winterville is seeking a  Continue Reading →


Job Postings from July 30

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Job Postings through NCWorks for July 30

For those that may not be aware, can be a ONE STOP job search tool.  When you search, you can select from a variety of sources.  To provide you an example, I have put the source beside each job posting.  As you can see, it pulled from quite a few sources.

A local company is seeking a GENERAL MAINTENANCE/REPAIR WORKER, Job Order #10902851

The ...

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Job Opportunities with Ross IES

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Ross IES is the WIOA Program Operator in Region Q this program year.  They are seeking a Career Specialist to serve the NextGen Youth Program in Beaufort County and in Bertie County; a Business Services Representative that will serve all five counties in Region Q; as well as a One Stop Coordinator to serve all five counties.  Please see the attached for more information and instructions on how to apply.  This is a great opportunity to be involved with the ...

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Hansley completes LPN program

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Two years ago, Sierra Hansley was enrolled in the ADN Program at Beaufort County Community College.  Right before her last semester she missed one class by 0.5 points and was not able to continue with the program.  She had given up and wanted to quit.  That is when Sierra visited her WIOA Career Advisor, Kimberly Laws.  Sierra, Kim, and the BCCC Advisors devised a new game plan; transfer Sierra to the LPN Program.  They were able to ...

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