Career Advisors tour Hyster-Yale

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Career Advisors across Region Q visited Hyster-Yale today and toured the facility to learn more about potential job opportunities.  Job seekers visit our Centers every day and inquire about specific jobs and the skills needed.  Unfortunately, most of our Career Advisors have never seen the jobs ‘up close and personal’.  Through these industry tours, Career Advisors are able to see the jobs being performed, the equipment used, and talk with the front-line staff actually performing those jobs.  In turn, when they work with job seekers, they are able to relay that information and make a better ‘job’ match for both the employer and the job seeker.  At the end of the tour, Career Advisors were also able to meet with HR staff and supervisors to discuss job openings, skills needed, and certification required.

We thank Hyster-Yale for their time and their efforts to assist our Career Advisors!  If you are an employer and wish to host a tour, please contact Lou Stout, Business Engagement Coordinator, at 252-974-2446 or