Operational Changes of the Rivers East NCWorks Career Centers

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In an effort to realign staffing and better meet customer demands, the NCWorks Career Centers in the Rivers East Workforce Development Board area will begin new hours on Monday, May 2. Customers of the Beaufort County, Bertie County, Hertford County, Martin County, and Pitt County NCWorks Career Centers will notice scheduling and staffing changes. To view the full press release, click here.

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Request for Services

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The Rivers East Workforce Investment Consortium is seeking a qualified individual/organization to review the Request for Proposals (RFPs) received for providing program services for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker programs and One Stop Operations (Title I, Public Law 113-128) for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024. Click here for more.

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RFP Announcement – Adult & Dislocated Worker Program and One-Stop Operations

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Mid-East Commission, as Administrative Entity for the Rivers East Workforce Development Board and the Rivers East Workforce Investment Consortium will be accepting Request for Proposals (RFP’s) from qualified and eligible organizations and businesses for the competitive selection of Adult & Dislocated Worker program operation(s) and local One-Stop Operation(s) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Please note, this is a combined RFP for program operations and one-stop operations. To view the full Request for Proposals, click here.

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