Welcome to the home of the GADJ!  Here you will find all the GADJ lesson plans ready for download and printing.  GADJ has also expanded with 19 new lesson plans so be sure to check it out.  For more information or questions regarding GADJ, contact Brandi Bragg, Career Pathways Facilitator at brandi.bragg@nencpathways.org.


GADJ Introduction


The Guidance and Direction for Job Seekers manual, known as GADJ, was developed to aid frontline staff who provide career counselling. As referenced by the University of Texas at Dallas, a thorough career counselling process is a continuous cycle of assessing self, exploring options, developing skills, marketing self, and performing job skills.  This manual provides necessary components for comprehensive career guidance, with each component divided by age-appropriate strategies and available resources to advance opportunities.

GADJ is written in a “lesson plan” format for ease of delivery. This second edition of GADJ includes 29 fundamental lessons.  We encourage each agency or institution to evaluate their programs and create additional lessons, as needed.  See the following for more information.

Purpose of Manual

Career Guidance Cycle (Standards For Each Career Development Phase)


Original Contributing Members


In a task as mundane as grocery shopping, the shopper takes a mental inventory of what he or she has at home and thinks about what is needed for the upcoming week. Why, then, when making career choices, wouldn’t a job seeker take “inventory” of skills, interests, strengths, personality, values, and ambitions?

Gathering information for this inventory can look different but the goal is the same – to assess oneself before beginning the job seeking process. The following are lessons for self-assessment.

Title Page – Assessing Self


Lesson Plan 1.2 – Reality Check

Lesson Plan 1.3 – Identifying Barriers

Lesson Plan 1.4 – S.M.A.R.T. Goals Soundtrack

Lesson Plan 1.5 – What Is Your Learning Style?



Once you’ve assessed your skills, interests, and values, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and do some research and make connections. It’s essential to do online research, read books, and talk on the phone or in person with alumni and others with experience in your field of interest to get a realistic view of career opportunities. This can help you get the lay of the land and illuminate pathways into different fields. (https://www.brown.edu/campus-life/support/careerlab/exploring-options) The following are lessons for exploring options.

Title Page – Exploring Options

Lesson Plan 2.1 – Job Searching Skills

Lesson Plan 2.2 – Using NC Career Clusters Guide

Lesson Plan 2.3 – Using My Plan Online

Lesson Plan 2.4 – Post-Secondary Education Vocabulary

Lesson Plan 2.5 – Finding & Using Community Resources

Lesson Plan 2.6 – Exploring The World Of Post-Secondary Education



Developing skills is important in life and in work, and it never ends. As we build our careers, we will need to develop new skills along the way. The following are lessons for developing skills.

Title Page – Developing Skills

Lesson Plan 3.1 – Attitude Counts

Lesson Plan 3.2 – Communication Skills – Following Directions

Lesson Plan 3.3 – Five-Step Decision Making Model

Lesson Plan 3.4 – Building Effective Customer Service Skills In The Workplace

Lesson Plan 3.5 – Developing Communication Skills For The Workplace



When companies have a new product to sell, they begin a marketing campaign to promote their product. You may be familiar with some of these from television commercials, print ads and radio jingles. Many feature music or scenery that you remember and associate with that product such as Nationwide Insurance, which use musicians, athletes and their famous “Nationwide is on your side” jingle. Applying and interviewing for jobs require the same tactics only the product you are selling is yourself. How do you market yourself to potential employers when you cannot create a one minute commercial to show them? By crafting a great résumé and using social media responsibly, you will be able to advertise your skills and abilities in a way that makes employer remember you and want to hire you.

Title Page – Marketing Yourself

Lesson Plan 4.1 – The Résumé

Lesson Plan 4.2 – Social Media & The Job Search

Lesson Plan 4.3 – Creating Your Online Professional Profile

Lesson Plan 4.4 – Essential Résumé

Lesson Plan 4.5 – Required Documentation

Lesson Plan 4.6 – Preparation For The Online Interview

Lesson Plan 4.7 – Necessary Engagement: Networking