Wade back on track!

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What an awesome experience it was for me to meet Tracey!  I often see our participants for a very brief time as we are signing the On-the-Job Training (OJT) paperwork.  However, this time it was a bit different.  During one of Tracey’s visit with his Career Advisor, Kimberly Laws, I was able to meet Tracey and spend a few minutes with him.  He had the biggest smile signing his enrollment paperwork! 

On October 3, Tracey, Kim and myself all met at InterMarket Technology in Washington to sign the OJT paperwork and get Tracey back on track.  Scott Gardner, the President and CEO, had a few items that needed his attention, so Kim and I were able to spend some additional time with Tracey.   Things that come to mind … determination, willingness to learn, eager to help others learn, and to have been laid off a few weeks prior – the best attitude!  Not to mention how many times he thanked us for not only working with him, but sharing with the employer information about the OJT Program.

So a little about Tracey .. he was most recently the Production Manager at Clarcor.  Several months back, Clarcor announced that they would be closing the Washington facility permanently.  As with anyone, he immediately started trying to figure out his next  move.  He needed to find work to support himself and his daughter. Tracey interviewed at Intermarket Technology – not once – but five – yes five times .. and for the same job!  Did I mention determination earlier!  Scott saw that same potential and determination we did and offered Tracey the job of Production Flow Manager.

Although Tracey had Production Manager experience, the difference in jobs qualified Tracey for the OJT Program.  How does that work you ask?  The OJT Program is able to subsidize Tracey’s hourly rate, while the employer “skills him up”!  This gives the employer an incentive to hire someone that does not quite have the skill set needed AND it gives the individual the opportunity at a job that the employer may have not considered them for – without the OJT Program.  

If you or someone you know are struggling to find a job or you lack the skills needed for a job, visit your local NCWorks Career Center to find out how we can assist you. If you are an employer and would like more information about the OJT Program or the other programs we can offer you – please contact Lou Stout, Business Engagement Coordinator, at lstout@mideastcom.org or 252-974-2446.

Tracey was all smiles on his first day of work!