The Workforce Development System, established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), prioritizes informed customer choice, job-driven training, provider performance, and continuous improvement. Selecting accredited training providers and high-quality programs is essential to achieving these key objectives. To become an Eligible Training Provider in the Rivers East Region, individuals must submit a request for a training program through their Career Advisor.

Applicable Policies:

CPS 11-2021 Change 1

2021-33 Eligible Training Provider Change 3

Below are step-by-step instructions for keying your information in Please note that while some screenshots may be outdated, the steps should remain largely the same.

Provider Guide for New Provider Account

How to Upload Supporting Documentation

How to Enter Programs into NCWorks

NCWorks Guide for Active Providers


Please forward additional questions to Ashlan Crouch, 252.974.1818.